Quarterly Capabilities Updates - Q2 | OnActuate
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Q2 Updates – June 2022 to August 2022

Update in August 2022

Platform Version: 10.0.28

Build Number: 10.0.1264

Link: August Update 2022


Upgrade High charts from version 4 to version 9

This feature upgrades the charting JavaScript library to version 9 for finance and operations apps. The new library enables a richer set of visualizations when charts and graphs are built, deployed, and used in an app. Before you enable this feature, you should test any extensible controls or custom JavaScript code that uses Highcharts application programming interfaces (APIs), to ensure that there are no issues with the upgrade. This feature is targeted to be required in the April 2023 release, but it’s currently optional to allow time for the migration of affected APIs.


Link: Platform updates for version 10.0.28 of finance and operations apps (August 2022) – Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs


Enable system notification management

System administrators can monitor and takes action on high-volume notification rules that may be impacting the system. For example, there may be some user-created alerts that are generating large quantities of alerts in a short period of time.

By default, rules that generate more than 100 notifications per hour will be flagged as high-volume; however, these criteria can be adjusted by an administrator on the System parameters page in the new System notifications section.

Using the High-volume notification rules page, admins have the option to block any high-volume rule from continuing to generate notifications and to delete existing notifications associated with that rule. This feature also adds a tile to the System administration workspace, so admins have visibility into notification rules that met the high-volume criteria during the last period.

Link: Enable system notification management


Updates in July 2022

Platform Version: 10.0.27

Build Number: 10.0.1227

Link: July Update 2022

Optimize loading of Action center notifications

Traditionally, Action center messages were loaded starting with the oldest notification for the user and iteratively over time retrieving newer messages. With this approach, it could take a long time for users to see the newest and most relevant messages since they last signed in. This feature optimizes how Action center messages are retrieved by simply loading the 100 newest messages. Users can select See all in the Action center to browse or filter through older messages. New messages received while the user is signed in will continue to display in the Action center.


Link: Optimize loading of Action center notifications


Standardize keyboard interaction for combo box and lookup controls

With this feature, a targeted adjustment has been made to the keyboard interaction for combo box and lookup controls to align more closely with other Dynamics 365 products. Specifically, the behaviour of the Enter key has been modified so that it opens the dropdown list when these controls are editable, making it easier for users to get to the list of available values. Pressing Enter when the dropdown list is open will continue to select the current value and close the dropdown list.

Additionally, starting in version 10.0.30, this feature also changes to align the behaviour of the Enter key with regard to triggering hyperlinks. With this feature enabled, pressing Enter will cause hyperlinks to trigger when focus is in read-only or view mode controls. Ctrl+Enter will continue to be a consistent shortcut for triggering hyperlinks regardless of field state, but especially for editable fields.


Link: Standardize keyboard interaction for combo box and lookup controls

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